Managed by Volunteers for the Benefit of the Community & Wildlife
The Broomfield "Schools Photographic Competition" - sponsored by the SMPPA
Open to School years 3, 4, 5, & 6 of participating schools (Emsworth Primary, Funtington Primary, St James Primary,
Southbourne Juniors, Thorney Island Primary, & Westbourne Primary School)
The entry form for the 2025 competition can be found here
DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES is Saturday 12th April 2025 at midnight
Prize-winners and their schools will be notified at least 1 week in advance of the Prize-giving which will be at the Emsworth Community Centre on Friday 2nd May 2025 at 4.00pm.
ALL photos that are submitted (not just prize-winners) will be printed and
on display at the Emsworth Community Centre as part of the
Emsworth Arts Trail from 3rd-5th May.
We will then deliver the mounted photos to your school for you to keep.
Thank you and GOOD LUCK!
How to Enter:
We hope you have a lot of fun taking pictures to enter. The pictures must be your own work and must not have been entered in any of our previous competitions.
You can enter ONE photo on the theme “Local Nature" and you can also enter ONE of “Any Subject”.
Entries to the Photographic Competition must be submitted by a parent or guardian on behalf of the child photographer. The submission of an entry will imply the parent's or guardian's agreement to the possible publishing of a group photograph including their child, along with their school details.
Entries should be sent in using the online form.
Make sure to include your Name, School, and what Year you are in. You should give your pictures Titles.
If you have any questions you can email us at photos@smppa.org.uk or call 01243 371134.
You can use any Camera or Phone, Tablet, iPad etc. but whatever you use make sure the lens is clean before you start. Cropping the photos is allowed if you do it yourself. The judges are looking for interesting and well composed pictures that portray a subject well and in interesting light. The main subject should be in focus and not cut off in important parts. Horizons should be level. The decider is how well it catches and holds the judges' attention.
The competition will be launched again in late February.
The closing date for entries will be Saturday 12th April 2025 (midnight).
The prize-giving will be held on Friday 2nd May at 4.00pm (the first Bank Holiday weekend after Easter) at the Emsworth Community Centre as part of the Emsworth Art Trail.
All photos will remain on display until Monday 5th May, and the winning photos will be displayed afterwards at the Emsworth Co-op.
All entrants will receive a mounted print of their pictures.
There is a prize of £30 for the winning photographer in each of the two subjects, and a prize of £25 for their school.
There are prizes of £15 for the winner from each other school year.
The Judges award Certificates of Merit to other good entries.
All entrants will receive a mounted print of their pictures.
Presentation of Prizes:
Prize and Certificate winners and their schools will be notified by e-mail. The prizes and certificates will be presented at the prize-giving ceremony at the Emsworth Community Centre on the Friday of the first May Bank Holiday weekend at 4.00pm, when prints of all the entries will be on show.
All entrants and their parents are invited to come to this event.
Photographs stay on display over the Emsworth Art Trail weekend and the 8 prize winning photos are on show at the Emsworth Co-op after this.
The Slipper Mill Pond Preservation Association
The SMPPA is the sponsor of this competition and reserves the right to use entered pictures in its publicity or publications. The prize and certificate winners' group will be photographed for publicity purposes. The submission of an entry will imply the parent's or guardian's agreement to the possible publishing of a group photograph including their child, along with their school details. If this is not acceptable to you or your parents please make sure that you make this known to the organisers.
Remember to take care near water.