Managed by Volunteers for the Benefit of the Community & Wildlife
Wildlife - Plants
Over 160 plant types have been recorded immediately adjacent to the pond.
The list below was updated in 2020-21, the first time since the 2005 Plant Register (a log of plants and flowers at that time). It forms part of the schedules for Biodiversity monitoring.
The plants are not actively controlled other than the Common Reed (Phragmites australis). Although this is a very structural and attractive plant and home to many birds and insects, it is also "invasive" as it spreads up and along the banks; it does not appear to grow into the Pond much, probably due to the water's salinity. The Sea Club Rush (Scirpus maritimus) is similar looking but not as tall and does not spread in the same manner, so is not actively controlled.
Until a few years ago we had tried to manage the spread of the reeds with the assistance of a professional company, Water Management Ltd, who sprayed them with a specialist herbicide which has English Nature's and the Environnment Agency's approval. This temporarily halts the growth, but needs re-spraying every couple of years. More recently, we have started using matting to cover the reeds to stop their growth.
In line with our planting plan we have removed non-indigenous "garden" type plants and areas that have become overgrown and are gradually planting native species in their place.
Native Plants - East Bank
Achillea millefolium - Yarrow
Alliaria petiolate - Garlic, Mustard
Artemisia vulgaris - Mugwort
Arum maculatum - Lords & Ladies
Atriplex portulacoides - Orache, grass leaved
Ballota nigra - Horehound, Black
Calamitha sylvatica - Calamint Common
Capsella bursa-pastoris - Shepherd's Purse
Cardamine hirsute - Bitter cress, Hairy
Cardamine pratensis - Cuckoo flower
Chelidonium majus - Celandine, greater
Cirsium arvense - Thistle, Creeping
Cirisium vulgare - Thistle, spear
Conium maculatum - Hemlock
Coronopussquamatus - Swinecress
Crataegnus monogyna - Hawthorn tree
Crithmummaritimum - Samphire, rock
Digitalis - Foxglove
Dipsacusfullonum - Teazle
Epilobium angustifolium - Willow Herb, Great
Epilobium hirsutum - Willow Herb, Rosebay
Euphorbia peplus - Spurge
Geumurbanum - Avens, wood
Hypochaerisradicata -Catsear
Lactucaserriola – Lettuce, Prickly
Lapsana communis - Nipplewort
Lamium album - Dead nettle, white
Lamium purpureum - Dead nettle, red
Lapsana communis - Nipplewort
Leonodon saxatilis - Hawkbit, Lesser
Limbardacrithmoides - Samphire, golden
Linaria pupurea - Toadflax, Purple
Linaria pupurea - Valerian
Lycopus europaeus - Gypsywort
Linaria pupurea - Valerian
Marticaria perforate - Mayweed, scentless
Medicago arabica - Medick, spotted
Medicago lupina - Medick, black
Mercurialis annua - Mercury, annual
Nepeta cataria - Catmint
Oenanthe crocata - Hemlock, Water
Papaver rhoeas - Poppy, red
Parietaria Judaica - Pellitory-of-the-wall
Pieruisechoides - Bristly Oxtongue
Plantago major - Plantain, greater
Plantago lanceolata - Plantain, ribwort
Polygonum aviculare - Knotgrass
Potentilla reptans - Cinquefoil Creeping
Pulicariadysenterica - Fleabane, common
Ranunculusficaria - Celandine, lesser
Ranunculus repens - Daisy
Rumex acetosa - Sorrel
Rumex conglomeratus - Dock, clustered
Rumex crispus - Dock, curly
Rumex obtusifolius - Dock, broadleaved
Rubus fruticus - Bramble
Senecio jacobaea - Ragwort
Silene vulgaris - Campion, Bladder
Sison amomum - Parsley, Stone
Sisymbrium officinale - Mustard, hedge
Sonchus arvensis - Sow Thistle
Sonchus oleraceus - Sow Thistle, Smooth
Stachis sylvatica - Woundwort Hedge
Symphytum uplandicum- Comfrey Russian
Taraxacum officinale - Dandelion
Tragopogan pratensis - Meadow salsify
Tripoliumpannonicum - Sea Aster
Ulex europaeus - Gorse
Urtica dioica - Stinging Nettle - Urtica dioica
Urtica diociasubspgaleopsifolia - Stinging Nettle, Fen non-stinging
Veronica chamaedrys - Speedwell
Veronica anagallis aquatica - Speedwell, water
Veronica persica - Speedwell, Common/field
Native Plants - West Bank
Agrostis capillaris - Bentgrass, common
Beta vulgaris - Beet, red
Beta vulgaris - Sea Beet
Cirsium arvense - Thistle, Creeping
Cirisium vulgare - Thistle, spear
Dipsacusfullonum - Teazle
Halimoneportulacoides - Sea Purslane
Pulicariadysenterica - Fleabane, common
Rumex acetosa - Sorrel
Spergularia marina - Sea Spurrey, lesser
Grasses - East Bank
Agropyron repens - Couch
Agrostis capillaris- Bentgrass, common
Agrostis stolonifera - Creeping Bent
Arrhenatherum elatus - False Oat
Bromus hordeaceus - Brome, Soft
Bromus sterilis- Brome, Barren
Dactylis glomerata - Cock’s-foot
Deschampsiacespitosa - Tufted Hair Grass
Festuca rubra - Red fescue
Hippophaepleamnoides - Sea Buckthorn
Holcus Lanatus - Yorkshire Fog
Lolium perenne - Rye Grass perennial
Phleum Pratense - Timothy
Phragmites australis - Common Reed
Salix babylonica - Willow Weeping
Scirpus maritimus - Sea Club-rush
Grasses - West Bank
Agropyron repens - Couch
Agrostis stolonifera - Creeping Bent
Arrhenatherum elatus - False Oat
Bromus hordeaceus - Brome, Soft
Bromus sterilis- Brome, Barren
Dactylis glomerata - Cock’s-foot
Festuca rubra - Red fescue
Lolium perenne- Rye Grass perennial
Phragmites australis - Common Reed
Pond Plants
Fucus vesiculosus - Bladder Wrack - seaweed
Ulva lactuca - Sea Lettuce
Plants to be removed - East Bank
Acer campestre - Field Maple hedge
Aegopodium podograria - Ground elder invasive
Aliumvineale -Garlic, Crow garden plant
Anagallis arvensis - Scarlet Pimpernel invasive
Aster amellus - Michaelmas Daisy garden plant
Buddleia davidii - Buddleia (under review)
Calistegiasepium - Bindweed, Hedge invasive
Calystegia sylvatica - Bindweed, Great invasive
Carex pendula - Pendulous Sedge garden plant
Convolvulus arvensis - Bindweed, field invasive
Eleagnus angustifolia - Russian Olive base visible roots
Endymion hispanicus- Bluebell, Spanish
Euphorbia portlandica - Spurge, Portland garden plant
Galium aparine - Cleaver invasive
Geranium dissectum - Cranesbill, cut-leaved invasive
Hedera helix - Ivy
Helianthus x laetifolia - Sunflower, perennial garden plant
Helminthotheca echioides - bristly oxtongue
Hordeum murimum - Barley, wall
Ilex aquifolium - Holly
Lonicera pileate - Box honeysuckle
Malva sylvestris - Mallow, common
Muscarineglectum - Grape Hyacinth spring/summer
Narcissus pseudonarcissus - Daffodils if not native (plain yellow single trumpet)
Phormium tenax - New Zealand flax
Polygonum maculosa - Redshank garden plant
Potentilla anserina - Silverweed garden plant
Rubus idaea - Raspberry
Stellaria mediq- Chickweed common invasive
Tanacetum parthenium - Feverfew garden plant
Verbascum Thapsus - Mullein garden plant
Viburnum tinus - Viburnum base and root to be removed
Vinca minor - Periwinkle garden plant
Invasive Plants to be maintained
Ranunculus repens - Buttercup, creeping
Ranunculus acris - Buttercup, meadow
Daucus carota - Carrot, Wild remove dead stem
Anthriscus sylvestris - Cow Parsley remove dead stems
Senecio vulgaris - Groundsel
Urtica dioica - Stinging Nettle
Urtica diociasubspgaleopsifolia- Stinging Nettle, Fen non-stinging
Native Plants - South Bank
Rubus fruticus–Bramble
Urtica dioica - Stinging Nettle invasive keep reduced S/E
Urtica diociasubspgaleopsifolia - Stinging Nettle, Fen non-stinging
Phragmites australis - Common Reed managed